With a yo and a ho


Yes! Yes it is! Yes it is Christmas!

Can I start actually feeling like it’s Christmas now?


Happy seasonal thing to everyone. (Especially Megan who, by mentioning me in her Christmas post, reminded me that it was indeed Christmas. Good grief! I’m losing it!)

It’s beginning to feel …


Walking down the street with Jambo. Stop. Something down there, not a tennis ball. Not any kind of ball. It’s pinky-purple and it’s shiny and … it’s beginning to make me feel a lot like Christmas.


Yes, it’s that time of the year when baubles somehow start appearing in the drain. Why? How? From whence do they come? Never mind, just start humming the song, folks.


Happy baublemas


You would think that Christmas baubles would only appear in the creek in December, or maybe in January when people are packing up their trees. True, this one is from January.


But this one is from September.


This one is from October.


So is this one.


And this festive montage was taken in November.

IMG_9716The moral of the story: baubles make people happy every day of the year.

Merry Christmas, drain lovers, from me and Jambo.




Things go into the band of my hat. They’re usually feathers, because feathers are bright and colourful and make me happy. They stay there for a while then fall out or blow away and are replaced by other feathers, or scraps or bits of things. I saw this gorgeous butterfly the other day and crept stealthily upon it, only to find that it was dead as a Norwegian blue.


So in it went.


A butterfly is about as perfect as Nature can get, though it’s not a competition. Can you compare a butterfly against a snowflake, an orchid, a wave breaking on a reef? A button mushroom freshly burst through the earth’s crust.


A leaf from a fig tree, even. This leaf. Absolutely perfect!


Though it might not be very good at covering the shame of Adam and Eve. Did they have different fig trees in the Garden of Eden?

This year hasn’t been perfect but it has been pretty good. As my dad would have said, every day you’re upright and breathing is a good day. Here’s a last-minute bauble to see out 2013 and usher in the new year. May it be perfect for you, or as near as damn it.


Yo ho ho!


Merry Christmas to all you creek connoisseurs, drain devotees and waterway wanderers from me, Jambo and the ever-returning Yuletide bauble!


Oh, and the boys and girls at Gonninan’s put up a tree for you too.


Yo ho ho! See you all in 2013!